Spears and producer Dr. Luke post 10-second audio clip for second single off new album Femme Fatale.
By Shawn Adler
Britney Spears <i>Femme Fatale</i>
Photo: Jive
Just two days after Britney Spears released her highly anticipated video for "Hold It Against Me," the 29-year-old diva is back to give fans another treat with a brief snippet from her next single, "Inside Out."
"C'mon! Won't you give me something to remember," Spears sings in the barely 10-second clip, revealed by the singer and her producer, Dr. Luke, on Twitter.
"Baby shut your mouth and turn me inside," she crescendos.
For fans, the brief snippet is a welcome treat, but hardly a surprising one, considering that Spears teased "Hold It Against Me" in similar fashion for several weeks.
In an interview with MTV News, Spears' longtime manager himself, Larry Rudolph, indicated that fans were likely to hear another song before the March 29 release of Femme Fatale, the Mississippi native's first album in three years.
Of the song itself, which he would only speak of obliquely on Thursday, Rudolph had high praise.
"I don't think I've been this excited about releasing a Britney single in many, many years," he said. "It's that good. That's all I'm gonna say about it at the moment. I haven't heard a final mix of it, but I should get it in the next day or two. So far, what I've heard is just extraordinary. It really is amazing. Her fans will be very happy with it. I'm trying hard to get it out before the album comes out."
What do you think of the new snippet? Will "Inside Out" be another Britney hit? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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