Friday, January 28, 2011

Classic Jersey Shore Clips: Grenade Horn Bails Out Situation; Ronnie Punched By Psycho Girlfriend

Try as we might, our Jersey Shore recap cannot do justice to the greatness that is the Grenade Whistle, a device which must be seen to be fully appreciated.

A cross between those World Cup vuvuzelas and the noise preceding the Smoke Monster from Lost, the Grenade Whistle is kind of a misnomer. It's a horn.

One loud enough to alert The Situation and Pauly D that they may be in potential danger, as seen in the clip below. Sitch really owes Vinny one after this:

The Grenade Horn Sounds

Follow the jump for another classic scene from last night's episode, "Drunk Punch Love." The short version? Ronnie gets punched by his drunk girlfriend ...

Ronnie Getting Punched

Painful as Ronnie Magro and Sammi Giancola, there were some real barbs traded this week at least. Ron produced some all-time Jersey Shore quotes.

No word on when they plan on making up again, only to get into such a huge fight that fists start flying. We give it a good few hours, a day maybe.


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