Friday, January 28, 2011

Sarah Palin on State of the Union Address: WTF!

Sarah Palin has a way with words. Or in this case, questionable acronyms.

In a play on President Obama's State of the Union address and its "win the future" theme, Palin used the text-friendly phrase "WTF" several times in an interview.

Somehow we doubt she meant "WTF" to mean "win the future" here ...

Sarah Palin: WTF!

Another Palin quote on Fox News: "His theme in the State of the Union was the “WTF,” you know, “Winning the Future.” I thought, “OK, that acronym, spot on.”

"There were a lot of WTF moments throughout that speech."

A few thoughts before we turn it over to your comments:

  • Who is Palin's publicist?! Much like the blood libel remark, this was a prepared line. Basically harmless? Sure. But why go there?! She loves to stir the pot, but doesn't she want to appear dignified and avoid backlash? Once?
  • Will this hurt, or enhance Tracy Morgan's opinion of her?


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