Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chris Brown Recalls Making Justin Bieber 'Kind Of Mad'

F.A.M.E. singer was late to their 'Next 2 You' recording session.
By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Rebecca Thomas

Chris Brown
Photo: MTV News

Aside from his latest controversy, Chris Brown is back with F.A.M.E., which stands for "Forgiving All My Enemies" and "Fans Are My Everything." On the new album, Brown has some choice features from stars such as Lil Wayne, Tyga, Ludacris and Justin Bieber.

"Working with Wayne is always incredible," said Brown, whose "Beautiful People" video premiered Tuesday on MTV's "The Seven." "I've had Wayne on every single album I've done. ... Being able to work with these guys is incredible. I build most of my collaborations off of just the relationships that I've built with these guys over the years and then new relationships, like Justin Bieber."

Brown told MTV News that it was awesome getting Bieber on board for "Next 2 You." Brown became interested in featuring the teen star on his album after the duo worked on the remix to Bieber's track "Up," which was featured on Never Say Never - The Remixes.

"Being able to collab with [Bieber] was great," Brown said. "He's a young, energetic cat, so being able to work with him, with the fanbase he has, was incredible. I know a lot of little girls are going to love this record.

"I wouldn't say [he's] my protégé. He's doing his thing at a young age, and I was doing mine at a young age, so being able to see him come up is dope."

Brown explained that the two of them didn't quite get into the studio together, however.

"I actually stood him up on accident," Brown recalled. "He was kind of mad ... I was all the way on the other side of town handling some business, 'girl business,' and I was rushing back, and by that time, he's like, 'Man, I'm leaving, bro. I did it — just check it out.' And I looked at it and listened to it and I was like, 'Man, this is crazy.' ... He's a great kid."

Which F.A.M.E. collaboration are you most looking forward to hearing? Tell us below!

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Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1660459/chris-brown-justin-bieber.jhtml

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