Saturday, March 26, 2011

Old Country, New Adventures: Jersey Shore Cast Stoked For Season 4 in Italy

With the dust settling after an emotional Jersey Shore season finale, all eyes are on Italy, where Season 4 of the MTV show will be filmed as early as mid-April.

Having just delivered the best ratings of the three seasons so far, fans are clamoring for more, blowing up the web for news about the fourth season already.

We can tell you for a fact that a new season will happen, it will be filmed in Italy, it will air later this year and has already exasperated plenty of people there.

Jersey Shore Season 3 Cast

Already bombarded with sordid tales of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s soirees with young women, now Italians have to deal with Jersey Shore? Gonna be rough.

MTV is scouting locations in Italy for Jersey Shore's fourth season, which has rankled Italian-American groups. Over there, peeps are just bemused and irritated.

“That’s the last thing we need,” one prominent Italian-American commentator told the Wall Street Journal about the prospect of the cast's trip to the motherland.

They'd better get used to it ... and hide their young daughters. According to MTV News, the cast members of the show are eagerly anticipating the European trip.

Culture shock seems inevitable. Having grown up with wine at the dinner table, most Italians tend to drink in moderation. They also take pride in ... social tact.

Whether America's image can be repaired afterward is unclear, but we'll find out either way. There is clearly no going back now, and the guidos/ettes are stoked.

“For some reason, I really want to go on a gondola ride,” Deena Cortese said.

“Or I would like if we’re in Rome, I'd like to see the love fountain. I’m thinking I’ll steal a coin … maybe I’ll fall in love.” We can only hope, D. We can only hope.

Click here for the best Jersey Shore quotes of the first THREE seasons!


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